Korean Seafood pajeon Making Workshop First Steps in Korean and Korean Culture Korean Folk Painting Workshop
Korean Seafood pajeon Making Workshop First Steps in Korean and Korean Culture Workshop Korean Folk Painting Workshop
5 Aug 2023 5 Aug 2023 4 Aug 2023
Korean-Chinese Translation Workshop Learning Korean through K-Pop & K-Drama Korean Pronunciation Clinic Workshop
Korean-Chinese Translation Workshop Learning Korean through K-Pop & K-Drama Workshop Korean Pronunciation Clinic Workshop
3 Aug 2023 2 Aug 2023 1 Aug 2023
兼讀制韓語課程學生榮獲「第七屆韓國總領事盃全港韓語演講比賽」季軍 韓國語能力考試TOPIK IBT簡介會 & TOPIK II IBT 寫作工作坊 Korean Street food Workshop Feb 2023
CUSCS Student Wins Second Runner-up at the 7th Korean Consul General Cup Korean Speech Contest TOPIK IBT Briefing Session & TOPIK II IBT Essay Writing Workshop Korean Street food Workshop
Jul 2023 Apr 2023 Feb 2023
Go-stop: Korean fishing card game Feb 2023 Go-stop: Korean fishing card game Jan 2023 My Korean Buddy Online Workshop Jun 2022
Go-stop: Korean fishing card game Go-stop: Korean fishing card game My Korean Buddy Online Workshop
Feb 2023 Jan 2023 Jun 2022
My Korean Buddy Online Workshop Apr 2022 CUSCS Student Wins Second Runner-up at the 5th Korean Consul General Cup Korean Speech Contest signing1802
My Korean Buddy Online Workshop CUSCS Student Wins Second Runner-up at the 5th Korean Consul General Cup Korean Speech Contest CUSCS and Kyung Hee Cyber University Sign Agreement on Educational Cooperation
Apr 2022 August  2021 May 2018
Korean Festival Kick-off Ceremony & Workshops Korean Festival Kick-off Ceremony & Workshops Korean Short-term Programme, Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University
Korean Festival Workshops Korean Festival Kick-off Ceremony & Workshops Korean Short-term Programme, Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University
Nov 2017 Nov 2016 Aug 2016
MOU Made Between Kyung Hee Cyber University and School of Continuing and Professional Studies Korean Short-term Programme, Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University Kimchi Workshop
MOU Made Between Kyung Hee Cyber University and School of Continuing and Professional Studies Korean Short-term Programme, Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University Kimchi Workshop
May 2016 Jan 2016 Nov 2015
The 9th Korean Day Korean Storytelling and Poem Recital Contest (The 10th Korean Speech Contest)  
The 9th Korean Day Korean Storytelling and Poem Recital Contest (The 10th Korean Speech Contest)  
Oct 2015 Jun 2015